Gandhi Jayanti Quotes | Slogans | Wishes | Shayari | SMS:
The full name of Gandhi ji was Mohandas Karamchand gandhi. Gandhi Ji was also the great freedom fighter of India and they played a big role in the independence of India. he was the great saint who can understand the pain of other people. Many of the students who want to give tribute to Gandhi ji by read a great and simple speech on 2nd October, they should try Gandhi jayanti 2016 Speech In Hindi for kids. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1969 in Gujarat state of India. We celebrate Gandhi ji’s Birthday as Happy gandhi jayanti. Great men born rarely and their birthday have a special importance. This day reminded people the qualities and great personality of that greatman. Now this time to provide you short essay, short speech, short anchoring script for 2 Oct Gandhi Jayanti Speech For School assembly for Kids in Simple language
Gandhi Jayanti Quotes:
- "G0d h@s n0 rel!g!0n ."
- "Truth !s 0ne, p@ths @re m@ny."
- "The future depends 0n wh@t y0u d0 t0d@y."
- "H@pp!ness !s n0t s0meth!ng t0 get 0ut, but !t w!ll @ls0 n0t g0!ng t0 rel!nqu!sh eg0.
- 0ther th@n t0 try t0 keep sep@r@te. "
- "@ n@t!0n's culture res!des !n the he@rts @nd s0uls."
- "@nger !s helpful !n c0nquer!ng the s!lence."
- "Kn0w!ng y0urself !s the best w@y t0 !mmerse y0urself !n the serv!ce 0f 0thers."
- "We w0rsh!p the s@me @re !dent!c@l."
- "H@te the s!n, l0ve the s!nner"
- "There !s n0 w@y t0 pe@ce, 0nly pe@ce."
- "Un@ssum!ng w@y y0u c@n sh@ke the w0rld."
- "@nger @nd !nt0ler@nce @re the enem!es 0f c0rrect underst@nd!ng."
- "S!lence !s the m0st helpful !n c0nquer!ng @nger."
- "Funky th@n g00d, t0 d!e f!ght!ng."
Gandhi Jayanti Slogans {English}
- "F@!th !s @ v!rtue th@t !s the m0ther we@kly d!sbel!ef."
- "Whenever y0u enc0unter @n 0pp0nent, t0 w!n her l0ve."
- "The ch@nge y0u w@nt t0 see !n the w0rld t0 br!ng !n the f!rst 0wn."
- "L0ng-l0ng speeches, !s m0re v@lu@ble th@n @n !nch step."
- "Th!nks w!se @nd f00l!sh bef0re w0rk, @fter w0rk."
- "!t !s @ s!n t0 f0rget, but !t !s @n even gre@ter s!n t0 h!de."
- "We@k c@n never f0rg!ve. T0 f0rg!ve !s the str0ngest @ttr!bute."
- "!f m@n w@nts t0 le@rn, h!s every m!st@ke c@n te@ch h!m s0meth!ng."
- "Kn0w!ng y0urself !s the best w@y t0 !mmerse y0urself !n the serv!ce 0f 0thers."
- "Th0us@nd t!mes m0re p0werful th@n the p0wer 0f l0ve @nd the p0wer 0f pun!shment !s perm@nent."
- "Th0se wh0 @re hungry !n the!r pr@!se, they pr0ve th@t they d0 n0t mer!t."
- "Y0ur w0rk m@y be !ns!gn!f!c@nt, but !t !s !mp0rt@nt th@t y0u d0 s0meth!ng."
- "S@ve t!me, s@ve m0ney @nd s@ve the rem@!n!ng m0ney, the m0ney !s equ@l t0 e@rn."
- "! @m re@dy t0 d!e, but there !s n0 re@s0n f0r wh!ch ! @m prep@red t0 k!ll."
- "My rel!g!0n !s b@sed 0n truth @nd n0n-v!0lence, truth !s my G0d, !t me@ns t0 get @ n0n-v!0lence."
- "Dr@d f@!th !n h!s purp0se, @ subtle b0dy st@nce c0uld ch@nge h!st0ry."
- "! d0 n0t w@nt t0 st!fle H!nd! l@ngu@ges thr0ugh pr0v!nc!@l, but they d!d w@nt t0 g!ve t0 H!nd!."
- "F!rst they !gn0re y0u, then they l@ugh @t y0u, then they f!ght y0u, @nd then y0u w!ll w!n.
- The 0pp0nents 0f v!0lence th@t !s str0ng en0ugh t0 m@ke h!s fr!ends @nd h!s l0ve seeks f!nds."
- "R0se d0es n0t need t0 pre@ch. He sc@tters y0ur h@pp!ness. H!s fr@gr@nce !s h!s mess@ge."
- "! @m 0pp0sed t0 v!0lence bec@use when !t @ppe@rs th@t he !s d0!ng well @nd he's g00d !s 0nly temp0r@ry; @nd th@t wh!ch !s ev!l, !t !s perm@nent."
- "V!0lent c0mb@t@nts wh0 w!ll d!e !n the w@r, even !f s0me 0f th0se m!ll!0ns w!ll h0n0r them Fukenge l!fe. !f th!s !s my dre@m, s0 f0r me !s sweet."
- "!t !s unw!se t0 be t00 sure @b0ut the!r w!sd0m. !t sh0uld be remembered th@t the str0ngest m!ght we@ken @nd !ntell!gent c@n @ls0 m@ke m!st@kes."
Gandhi Jayanti Images
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